Current Issue

Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 1/3/25

Year: 2024
Dr. Abdulkerim GÜN Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu 0000-0002-8837-3500
Social Policy (Other), Disabled Groups, Sociology, Social Policy
Salih BOZKURT Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu 0000-0001-7010-9026
Social Media Studies, Terrorism, International Security, International Migration, Social Policy, Political Science, Public Administration
Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Trust and Ethics of Computer Systems, English As A Second Language, Education, Values ​​education

The Information Technologies and Communication Journal (BTK Journal), a refereed and academic journal published by the Information Technologies and Communication Authority (BTK), aims to contribute to the sharing, development and increase of experimental and theoretical knowledge and to present the latest scientific developments to its readers by announcing and publishing on a scientific platform the findings obtained through the research and studies of researchers and the academic world in the scientific fields, disciplines or sub-disciplines related to the Electronic Communication Sector, Postal Sector and Information Technologies.

To the Information Technologies and Communication Magazine (BTK Magazine);

1. New Media and Communication:
• Social Media
• Digital Advertising
• Internet Media
• Media Literacy
2. Cyber ​​Security:
• Information Security
• Network Security
• Application Security
• Cyber ​​Defense
• Cryptography
3. Communication Technologies:
• Electronic Communication Services
• Postal Services
• Communication Infrastructures
• Cloud Technology
4. Artificial Intelligence:
• Machine Learning
• Deep Learning
• Natural Language Processing
• Image Processing
• Robotics
• Artificial Intelligence and Ethics
• Autonomous Systems
5. Information Society:
• Information Technologies
• Internet and Society
• Digital Literacy
• Internet Governance
• Online Education
• Social Informatics
• Sociology of Informatics
• Industry 4.0
6. Information Law:
• Information Law
• Computer Forensics
• Cyber ​​Crimes
• Digital Rights and Freedoms
7. Internet of Things:
• IoT Devices
• Smart Homes
• Smart Cities
• IoT Data Analytics
8. Big Data:
• Data Analytics
• Data Mining
• Data Management
• Data Security
• Data Storage and Backup
9. Digital Privacy:
• Personal Data Protection
• Internet and Privacy
10. Blockchain Technology:
• Cryptocurrency
• Smart Contracts
• Distributed Ledger Technology
• Blockchain Security
• Blockchain Applications
11. Digitalization and Society
• Digital Transformation
• Digital Addiction
• Disinformation
• Metaverse
• Digital Games
• Educational Technologies
• Digital Ethics
• Digitalization and Economy
• Digitalization and Public Health

Studies on these topics are accepted.



Articles submitted to the journal must be studies with the following characteristics.

Research studies containing original scientific findings,
Studies that convey application examples with a scientific approach,
Compilation studies that comprehensively evaluate important developments on a specific subject.


Articles must be uploaded to the system electronically from

These articles cannot be published anywhere else and cannot be presented as a paper without the permission of the editorial board. The whole or part of the article cannot be used anywhere without citing the source. The authors in the article must express a common opinion on the order of names.


Information Technologies and Communication Journal (BTK Journal) uses the spelling rules of the APA 7 citation system and requests that the studies be prepared in accordance with this format. The basic points are given below, and the sources that do not have an example should be accessed from the APA 7 official website (

The article title should be compatible with the content and express the content in the best way. The main title should be in bold font size 14 with all letters capitalized in the middle of the page. Secondary titles should be left aligned, the first letter of the words should be capitalized and in bold font. Tertiary titles should be left aligned italic. Sections in the article other than the introduction and conclusion sections should be numbered and arranged.

Author Name:
Information about the author should be written in the relevant fields in the Article Management System during the application, and information about the author should not be included in the article file.

English and Turkish abstracts should express the subject briefly and concisely. The words should be between 200-250 and written in 10 font size. The purpose, method and results of the study should be included in the abstract. Key words that are compatible with and comprehensive to the content of the article should be included under the abstract in a maximum of five words.

Page Layout:
Articles should not exceed 30 pages including the abstract and references. The text of the article should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing. 0.6 pt space should be left before and after paragraphs, and the indentation should be 0 on the right and left. Tab key should not be used at the beginning of paragraphs, and enter key should not be used between paragraphs. Margins should be 2.5 cm on the right and left; 2.5 cm on the top and bottom.

In-Text References:

a) Footnotes should be avoided as much as possible, and footnotes should be given only when necessary.

b) Quotations should be given in quotation marks. Quotations of less than 40 words should be written in the text, and longer quotations should be written 1.5 cm in from the right and left of the line, in block form, and with 1.15 line spacing, in 11 points.

c) Quotations by a single author should be in the text as (Yılmaz, 2015, p. 288).
d) If multiple sources are cited, they are listed in parentheses, from the oldest to the newest, separated by a semicolon. For example (Öztürk, 1996; Çetin, 2019 and Yiğit, 2020).

e) If the author has more than one publication published in the same year, they should be shown as (Yılmaz, 2019a, p. 56) and (Yılmaz, 2019b, p. 23).

f) In two-authored presentations, the surnames of both authors are written. In Turkish sources, the conjunction “and” should be used, and in foreign language sources, the conjunction “and” should be used. For example (Yılmaz and Çetin, 2016, p.12).

g) In sources with more than two authors, the abbreviation “et al.” should be used after the surname of the first author. For example (Yılmaz et al., 2006, p. 89).
h) When citing a cited source, both the source itself and the source cited by the researcher should be given. For example (Yılmaz, 2011, p.74 cited in Öztürk, 2016, p. 88).

i) If the author's name is mentioned in a sentence in the text, it is sufficient to indicate the date and page number in parentheses. For example: According to Yılmaz (2019, p. 23) or According to Yılmaz … (2019, p. 23).


References should be in Times New Roman font, 12 point size, 1.15 line spacing, first line left aligned. In books, book chapters, and article studies, if any, a DOI number should be added.

a) Article References:
If a journal article has a DOI, it should be added to the references. If a journal article does not have a DOI, its URL should be added at the end of the references.
Author's surname, Author's initials. (Year). Title of the article. Periodical Name, Volume (Number of the periodical), Page range.

b) Book Sources:
Author's surname, Author's initials (Year). Title of the book (Number of editions). Publisher. Should be written as follows. If there are two authors, the conjunction "and" should be used.

c) Translated Books:
Author's surname, Author's initials. (Year). Title of the book (Number of editions). (Translator's initials. Translator's surname, Trans.). Publisher. (Date of publication of the original work).

d) Edited Books:
Editor's surname, Editor's initials. (Ed.). (Year). Title of the book (Number of editions). Publisher. Should be written as follows.

e) Section in an Edited Book:
Author's surname, Author's first letter. (Year). Book chapter name. Editor's first letter. Editor's last name (Ed.), Book title (Issue number, Page range). Publisher. should be written as follows.

f) Internet Sources:
Author's surname, First letter or Group name. (Year, Month, Day). Title of the study. Name of the website. URL address. If the content of a page is designed to change over time and is not archived, an access date should be added to the reference as "URL ... accessed on November 11, 2021".

g) Official Publication Sources:
Official Publication Publishing Institution Name. (Year). Report title (Publication no.). Internet address. should be given as follows.

h) Conference/Presentation Sources:
Author's surname, Author's first letter. (Year, Day, Month). Title of the study [Oral presentation/Poster presentation]. Name of the scientific meeting, City where the meeting took place, Country. should be given as follows.

i) Theses:
Author's surname, Initials of author's name. (Year). Title of the thesis [Unpublished master's thesis / Unpublished doctoral thesis]. Name of the university.
Author's surname, Initials of author's name. (Year). Title of the thesis [Master's thesis / Doctoral thesis, Name of university]. Published database/Internet address

j) Dictionaries:
Author's surname, Initials of author's name. (Year). Name of the dictionary. Publishing house.

1. Research articles and compilations written in Turkish and English are published in the Journal of Information Technologies and Communication (BTK Journal).

2. Articles sent for publication must not have been published anywhere else or sent to any journal for publication. Studies older than 5 years will not be evaluated.

3. A research article sent to the journal for publication should be prepared under the main headings of Title, Turkish and English Abstract, Key Word, Introduction, Method, Main Text, Findings, Discussion/Conclusion and References. The Findings and Discussion sections can also be written together.

4. Each issue will include a maximum of 20% of the number of articles published in that issue as compilations.

5. If the studies sent to our journal as research articles are produced from postgraduate theses, this should be stated as a footnote on the first page.

6. Our journal adopts the Open Source Publication Policy.

7. Articles to be published in our journal must be within the rules of scientific ethics. Articles must be prepared in accordance with internationally accepted scientific ethics rules.

8. If necessary, a copy of the Ethics Committee Report must be sent with the text.

Studies requiring ethics committee approval are as follows;

a) Any research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
b) Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
c) Clinical research conducted on humans,
d) Research conducted on animals,
e) Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data,
9. It must be stated in case reports that an “Informed Consent Form” has been obtained.
10. Permission must be obtained and stated from the owners for the use of scales, surveys, and photographs belonging to others.
11. It must be stated that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
12. The submitted articles are checked for plagiarism through Turnitin and/or iThenticate software. The Similarity Index (SI) of the article should be 20%; Each similarity rate (each source cited) should not exceed 5%. If the similarity index exceeds the specified levels, the article is returned to the relevant author/authors. If sufficient corrections are not made within 10 days, the article is rejected. If plagiarism is proven after the publication of the article, that article will be immediately withdrawn and removed from the website.

13. All authors included in the article must sign the Copyright Form stating that they have granted the publication rights of their work to the Information Technologies and Communication Journal (BTK Journal). The work will not be evaluated unless the Copyright Form is sent by the authors.

14. Articles whose evaluation process is completed are published by taking into account the date of their receipt. The articles are added to the first issue planned to be published as soon as they are ready for publication; however, the relevant issue is published collectively after all articles are completed.

1. The works sent to our journal are first evaluated by the editors. At this stage, studies that do not comply with the purpose and scope of the journal, are weak in terms of language and expression rules in Turkish and English, contain scientifically critical errors, lack originality, contain statistical analysis errors and do not meet the publication policies are rejected. The authors of the rejected studies are informed within two weeks at the latest from the date of submission. Studies that are deemed appropriate are sent to the Editorial Board for preliminary evaluation.

2. During the preliminary evaluation process, the Editorial Board examines the introduction, material and method, findings, discussion and conclusion sections of the studies in detail in terms of the journal's publication policies and scope and originality. Studies that are deemed inappropriate as a result of this review are returned to the section editor with an evaluation report within four weeks at the latest.

3. Studies are sent to the referees according to their content and the areas of expertise of the referees. Blind refereeing is applied in article evaluations in our journal. The names of the referees who evaluate the articles are not disclosed to the authors. The referees are also allowed to evaluate the articles without seeing the authors' names.

4. It is expected that the articles sent to the referees will be evaluated within 30 days. If this period is exceeded, the editor reminds the referee and gives an additional 7 days. If this period is exceeded, the editor will assign a new referee and withdraw the request from the previous referee.

5. The article that receives two positive referee reports from the article evaluation is eligible for publication. The article that receives one positive and one negative referee report is sent to a third referee.

6. The opinions received from the referees are reviewed by the editor within 2 weeks at the latest. As a result of this review, the editor makes a final decision to accept or reject the work.

7. Articles deemed inadequate based on referee recommendations are subject to major (resubmit for evaluation) or minor (correction required) revision decisions for development. Articles that do not reach the desired level and are not deemed scientifically sufficient are rejected.

8. After the "resubmit for evaluation" or "correction required" decision is given about the article, the author is expected to make the necessary changes within 30 days for the "resubmit for evaluation" decision and within 15 days for the "correction required" decision. Otherwise, the article is rejected.

The publisher is responsible for monitoring and implementing the journal's publication principles, editorial responsibilities, referee responsibilities, and author responsibilities.
Publication ethics and open access policy require all components of the publication process to comply with ethical principles in line with the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) on open access (e.g. “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”).


1. Should include in the evaluation process the study that does not conflict with the publication principles, has high originality, and is prepared in accordance with the journal's objectives and rules.

2. Should guide the referees by providing them with the information they request that is not unethical.

3. Should pay attention to the principles of impartiality and diversity by selecting at least 2 expert referees from different institutions in the relevant field based on the field of the study as the referees to be selected for the article evaluation.

4. Should respond to requests, suggestions, and request messages from authors in the shortest time possible.
5. Care should be taken to avoid any conflict of interest or conflict between the referee and the author.

6. The author information in the studies sent to the referees should be kept confidential with the blind referee application.

7. The opinions and suggestions of the journal advisory board should be taken into consideration.

8. It should protect human and animal rights for experimental studies conducted on humans and animals.

9. The decision to be taken regarding the article should be independent and unrelated to the publishing organization-journal owner.

10. It should protect the intellectual property rights of all studies sent to the journal and published.


1. They should evaluate the study sent to them for evaluation according to the principles of impartiality and confidentiality.

2. They should not use the study sent to them for evaluation for any purpose.

3. They should evaluate the study in accordance with science, without taking into account the political, national, religious beliefs, etc. views of the authors.

4. They should use a constructive and polite style when preparing the evaluation report of the article. They should avoid insulting, unscientific and unethical expressions.
5. It should make its evaluation in a way that will increase the quality of the article and its contribution to science.

6. It should only accept studies within its field of expertise for evaluation.

7. It should evaluate the article it accepts for evaluation based on ethical rules within the given time period.

8. It should keep the information provided by the editor and author confidential.

9. It should evaluate experimental studies conducted on humans and animals by observing human and animal rights.



1. The article they send should not have been sent anywhere else, accepted anywhere else and published anywhere else.

2. The article they send should be an original study, and they should make references and indicate the source in accordance with ethical principles for information used in quotes from different sources.

3. They should obtain approval from the ethics committee for experimental studies on humans and animals and upload the approval file to the system together with the article.

4. If the article includes a study conducted on an institution, they should upload the approval file indicating that the approval was received from the relevant institution to the system together with the article.
5. For the use of scales, surveys, data, and photographs belonging to institutions or individuals, permission must be obtained from the relevant persons and this must be stated in the article.

6. The names of individuals who did not contribute to the study must not be included in the study.

7. The names of individuals and institutions that supported the study must be included in the acknowledgments section.

8. If a significant deficiency or error is detected in the work being evaluated or published, it must be reported to the journal management.

9. If the journal board has decided to revise the study, it must be revised in accordance with the decisions of the referees and editors. In case of any discrepancy, it must be explained in an additional file and sent to the journal management.

Accepted studies are published free of charge on the “DergiPark” journal page and on the journal website.
